Another picture of the motor and cup assembly.
This is the other end of the support system for the rod, also my rod wrapping box, cut 2 notches and pull the tread through a bobbin pushed through the cardboard. The books under the box are to keep everything level. The rod in the picture is my 4' 6/7 wt 1 piece custom rod I built to fish freshwater this year as a challenge, this will be the only rod I will use to fish freshwater in 2009.
And finally some of my rod storage, an old gun cabinet converted to a rod cabinet. (Someone commented that I have too many rods awhile back) The 9 foot 2 piece rods don't fit as well as the other rods, so they sit across the doorway at an angle. Best part is the bookshelf underneath for the fishing books, from rod building to travel to writings by Gierach. Also what fly fishing bookshelf would not be complete without a copy of "The Compleate Angler" by Sir Issac Walton?
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