The initial plan was to drive to Pittsburg NH, get a campsite, fish for 3 days, catch some trout and salmon, and feel great.
What actually happened was....

The 6+ hour long drive up through some beautiful countryside.... (got to talking over an hour with Bob Donnelly, a Native American Indian who works at the Visitor Center off Route 93N just below the Lakes Region, and who knows a lot about fishing New Hampshire, along with drawing maps of where to fish for the trout and salmon. Really nice fellow to talk to.)

Crossing the 45th Parallel, 1/2 way between the Equator and the North Pole....

Arrived at Lake Francis Campground, got a walk in sites with Electric and Water both nights. Rasonable rates too, $30.00 a night.

Fished the inlet to Lake Francis, helped an elderly gentleman from Connecticut land a nice Salmon.

Fished the Bridge Pool the next morning. Crowded, plus one fellow took a 21" Brook Trout around 11AM, lots of big fish were pulled out that day.

Getting bored due to no fish, I went sight seeing and scouting. Way too many fishermen in a lot of the spots, and the spots without fishermen were without fish.

Did get up to Lopstick Lodge, bought some flies and a guide book. Got some info while I was there.

Went back to my new site, right across from the site I had the night before. Campground was crowded due to start of Memorial Day Weekend.

Went back to Bridge Pool on the way home, then drove up to the Catch and Release between the First and Second Connecticut Lakes. Decided to drive home, fishless, but need to pick up my girlfriend and her daughter at Airport in Rhode Island that Saturday Afternoon.
Meanwhile on the road trip back, I did get stopped at a roadblock at Mile Marker 95 on Route 93, just below Franconia Notch. US Customs and US Border Patrol were checking cars and trucks for illegals and smugglers. They asked if they could look in the camper, I told them not a problem, and the remark by the border agent was "Damn, that's a small bathroom" when he opened the door to the bathroom / closet.
All in all, I loved the trip. It was with downfalls and disappointments, but I did learn a lot of new things and learned where to go for next time. So there may be a future saga of being a Trout Bum... someday.
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